Hello. My name is Monica Strachan.  As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, with twenty-seven years of experience, I have had the pleasure of working with thousands of children, youth, families and community members. I have been truly inspired by the resiliency, also known as GRIT, of individuals and families, especially when facing loss and crisis. However, I also found myself dealing with Vicarious Trauma, when one is distressed and drained due to the empathy for and impact of the stories I would hear each day.

In 2015, I found that my energy level outside of work was very low. I was raising my own teenagers, my job continued to grow more challenging and my father, who had suffered for years from Lou Gehrig’s Disease had passed away. I have been blessed with kind and supportive friends, but I was not enjoying myself and, due to an injury, I was unable to exercise, which had always been an outlet for me.

I had researched and inquired about Professional Coaching Programs for a few years prior, but it never seemed like the right time. In 2016, I began my Institute of Professional and Executive Coaching (IPEC) journey and despite my years of training prior to this, IPEC made a significant positive impact on my life. I learned about our energy levels and how our personal values impact our world view, both positively and negatively. I was coached and I coached others and found a fabulous network of like-minded people. I was amazed while receiving my Energy Leadership Index Assessment training, how accurate it was and I knew this was I field I was passionate about. I recognized that I possess a unique combination of skills that led my to the specialty of Relationship Coaching and my company, Relationship Grit. I have always been aware, both personally and professionally, how much resiliency we need in our relationships, but I learned so much more about myself through the program and the coaching component that it truly changed my outlook on life and I want to support others in this way too.

As a trained Mediator and Certified Professional Coach, I recognize how often we carry our own thoughts, resentments and fears, but it is often difficult and sometimes terrifying to share these feeling and to hear the real, yet conflicting perspectives of others. Often, the ability to hear and empathize with another’s perspective, whether it be to strengthen bonds or to work towards a positive ending, can be difficult and often we feel “stuck.” I offers a safe, non-biased, and supportive arena in which to move forward.
